What is in a Financial Plan?
Personal Financial Planning, in general, casts a wide net. Anything in your life that has any connection, directly or indirectly, to your money can be considered under the Financial Planning umbrella. There are three main categories we like to put everything into to better simplify it. These are, 1.Managing Your Cash Flow & Debt, 2.Managing Your Risk, and last but certainly not least 3.Growing Your Money. Please take a look at the questions below to get a better idea of what topics each one covers.
What’s coming in and where is it going? Are my spending habits in line with my goals?
Cash Flow Planning
Education Planning Strategies
Debt Utilization
How prepared am I to handle an unexpected catastrophe?
Employer Benefits
Insurance Planning
How do I make sure I am getting the most out of my income and assets?
Retirement Planning
Investment Advising & Asset Management
Estate & Tax Strategies
The other half of Wealth Management is the Investing and Managing of your Investment Portfolio.
“So how does the Planning Process work…?”
Great question, our process is pretty straightforward: